Theory of The Gift Economy
Many Voices discuss The Gift Economy
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Athanor: Il Dono, the gift, a feminist analysis
Published in Italy in English by Meltemi Press
An unusual collaboration between women of many nations and Italian publisher Meltemi brings you a book published in Italy in English. Written by some 25 members of the international womenís movement, The Gift, Il Dono: A Feminist Analysis, presents a perspective that is necessary for a paradigm shift towards a better world.
To download Athanor click here. Or click below to read online.
- Genevieve Vaughan: L'Economia del dono
- Genevieve Vaughan: L'Economia del dono
- Genevieve Vaughan: Gift giving and exchange: Genders are economic identities and economies are
based on gender
- Kaarina Kailo: Giving Back to the Gift Paradigm: Another Worldview is Possible
- Heide Goettner-Abendroth: Matriarchal society:
definition and theory
- Rauna Kuokkanen: The gift as a world view in indigenous thought
- Eila Estola: Legitimacy of Nursing and Caring in Max Weber's Frame of Reference
- Bhanumatu Natarajan: Biodiversity and traditional knowledge- Perspectives for a Gift economy
- Hildur Ve: Gracias a la Vida
- Mari Lahtinen: Legitimacy of Nursing and Caring in Max Weber's Frame of Reference
- Mechthild Hart: Transnational Feminist Politics: Being at Home in the World, Globalization and
the International Women's movement
- Ana Isla: Dispossessing the commons by credit. The struggle to reclaim the commons
- Paola Melchiori: Epistemologia del dono
- Paola Melchiori: Insights on the gift and the insight of the gift
- Susan Bright and Susan Lee: Restorative Reconciliation: Forgiveness and healing instead of
cycles of retaliation
- Rokeya Begum: On the feminism of the gift economy
- Frieda Werden: The gifts
of Sound
- María Suárez: The gift economy in the Net
- Linda Christiansen-Ruffman: The gift economy in Atlantic Canada: Personal reflections of a
Feminist Sociologist
- Lee Ann La Bar: The gifts of Stonehaven
- Jutta Ried: The gift-economy in my life
- Leslene Della Madre: The Gift of Giving
- Norma Fernandez: The Cries of Silence
- Susan Bright: poem The Gift